You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Optimizing performance > Aboute remote site caches > Configuring a remote site cache

Configuring a remote site cache

Configuring a remote site cache comprises the following tasks:


To configure a remote site cache:

  1. On the remote site cache web server, run the Meridian Enterprise installation package and install the Site Cache component. A new application named AMSite is added to the default web site.
  2. In each vault that you want the site cache to serve, create a shared dynamic collection as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User's Guide of the documents that you want the site cache to preload into the cache. On the Custom Find page of the collection, enable the Make this query available to Web Access users option.
  3. On the remote site cache web server, In the Windows Start menu, in the BlueCielo Meridian folder, click BlueCielo Site Cache Configurator. The BlueCielo Site Cache Configurator window opens.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Site cache options
Option Description

General page

Virtual directory

Accept the default of AMSite.

Cache location

Accept the default or click the folder browser button to select a different folder.

Remove from cache after

Enable this option to automatically purge documents from the cache after a specified number of days regardless of whether they have been accessed or not.

Disk space on drive C:

Accept the default or specify a different amount of disk space to allocate to the cache.

Web Servers page

Server URL

Accept the default if you are configuring the site cache on the Meridian Web Access web server and the Virtual directory option is set to AMSite. Otherwise, click New and enter the URL of the Meridian Web Access web server.


Type credentials in Logon user and Password for an account with read access to the vault documents contained in the shared dynamic collection you created in step 2. Enable the Encrypt option to store the credentials in the Windows registry in encrypted format.


Click Configure to select the vaults and shared dynamic collections that you created in step 2 to preload into the cache. Each collection will appear in the list.

Tasks page

Common tasks

Click Schedule to create task in Windows Task Scheduler to:

  • Cache cleanup – Purge documents from the cache that are older than specified for the Remove from cache after option.
  • Upload documents – Send new and revised documents to the source vaults.
  • Preload collections – Download documents in the specified collections from the source vaults to the cache.

Click Now to perform the corresponding task immediately.


Type credentials in Logon user and Password for an account with full access to the folder specified for Cache location and to create tasks in Windows Task Scheduler. Enable the Encrypt option to store the credentials in the Windows registry in encrypted format.
  1. Click OK to save your changes. For troubleshooting, you can view the event messages that are generated by the site cache manager on the Event Log page.

  2. The Meridian Web Client does not detect and use a remote site cache automatically. Before the cache will be used, the user must specify the location of the site cache and the file transfers that they want to use the cache as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User's Guide. Provide all site cache users with the following:

Related concepts

Understanding Web Access

Understanding the Web Access server privileges

Understanding Active Directory security problems

NEW About remote site caches

Related tasks

Installing Web Access on a different server

Creating a web location

Configuring a Web Access location

Enabling anonymous web access